If you’ve just found out that you are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, it’s important to know that you are not alone and you do have options for unwanted pregnancy. You may feel overwhelmed after finding out, but Glass Law Office Adoptions Services near Fort Myers is here to provide the support you need.
Options for Pregnancy near Fort Myers
The reality of being stuck in an unintended pregnancy is that you may feel like you have nowhere to turn and no idea how to handle the situation. This couldn’t be further from the truth because you can seek support from the best adoption attorney in Fort Myers, Lisa Paige Glass, Esq. of Glass Law Adoption Services. At Glass Law Office, we want to provide the necessary counsel and relevant information to you. You have several options for pregnancy, including placing your baby up for a legal adoption near Fort Myers. While there are a number of options, you may feel that an adoption is the best choice for you. If you do decide on placing your baby up for a private adoption, then we will be happy to help you find the right home for your child.